General — TransplantLyfe



TServoldTransplant Patient
June 19, 2024 in General

The Oxford Dictionary describes "Happy" as:

  1. feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
  2. having a sense of confidence in or satisfaction with (a person, arrangement, or situation).
  3. fortunate and convenient.

When you think about your happy around (before, during and after) transplant what comes to mind?

For me, I was diagnosed with T1D in the seventh grade. Happy before my diagnosis was snacks with my friends. Happy was Slurpee's from 7-11, popcorn and a drink at the movies, and playing sports.

During my transplant process; happy was waking up and seeing my husband, parents, and hospital staff telling me that the transplant was successful.

After my transplant my happy changes, and I am constantly over-joyed with happiness.

What is your happy at this stage?

1 - 2 of 2 Replies

  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    Oh I love this! I love when Elizabeth Gilbert talks about happiness being something you have to insist upon, because that’s been my story. Being sick my entire life, I really had to choose happiness, to choose to find joy as often as I found suffering.

    i’m a huge fan of putting myself in the way of beauty and creating my own happiness. I live for the small pleasures. Sunshine on my skin, dancing to my favourite song, being close to the people I love and spending time in nature are a few of the things that have always made me really happy. And most recently it’s been ice cream. I wasn’t allowed sweets pre-transplant so when I had that first ice cream cone in my 20’s it was a whole new kind of happiness ☀️🍦🪩🤸

    June 19, 2024
  • MelsammTransplant Patient

    Happiness wow I could say a lot, my biggest happy place is being with friends/family bbqs in the summer taking walks w/my pup, planting flowers, yard work puts me in my happy place. Things that were getting difficult pre TP. My favorite thing food wise that makes me happy is ice cream-donuts 🍩🍧 yummy.

    I am on different journey right now in life and am having to stay positive/hope for the best and just keep finding my HAPPY place.😊😎🌼🌈🐾 always.

    June 19, 2024
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