General — TransplantLyfe


Themes of Freedom and Independence

Transplant Patient
Updated July 4, 2024 in General

I know we have so many countries represented here at Transplantlyfe - and I love our international community! Here in Canada we celebrated our country's birthday on Monday, July 1, and I know my American friends are gearing up to celebrate July 4.

There's such a diversity in celebrations and when we celebrate, but one thing I think is universal is this acknowledgement of independence and freedom. It's the freedom we have in life post transplant, the independence we gain no longer being chained to our treatments, whatever that looks like.

Whenever you celebrate, whatever you celebrate, I want to hear how these themes connect to your own life!


1 - 5 of 5 Replies

  • KarinExpert
    Transplant Patient

    I agree so very much with you - freedom and independence are two out of three of the variables responsible for happiness in my view - can you guess what the 3rd is??

    July 11, 2024
  • fern22Transplant Patient

    Mmm yes. Cheers to that. I think it’s also relatable to say that any body whom experiences chronic illness knows what it’s like to feel as though your freedom & independence have been ‘stripped away’.

    July 11, 2024
  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    The 3rd has me stumped! I know Sweden's day is July 6, correct? @Karin

    Someone I follow on social media shared something that really resonated with me on the intersection between independence and interdependence. And as transplant recipients we really exist in this interdependence state as well as obviously we now have more independence to live our lives not in treatment all the time. I rely on other people so much, I literally have other people's organs inside of me but I also exist in a very interdependent relationship with my support people and my medical staff and so many others, and I think that's so beautiful. I've found so much freedom in interdependence too

    July 11, 2024
  • KarinExpert
    Transplant Patient

    Hi - my third is Love… Strong relationships keep you happy and safe. Please listen to my happiness talk if you have time ).

    June 6 is Sweden day!

    July 11, 2024
  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    @Karin I get it! That's awesome - I love that. So many things to celebrate

    I turned on your happiness podcast last night while I was getting ready for bed. It was such a good listen. I highly recommend everyone listen to it.

    July 11, 2024
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