General — TransplantLyfe



Transplant Patient
July 10, 2024 in General

So if you exist in North America (and let's be honest, a lot of places) you probably know about this crazy heatwave we're experiencing.

As someone who chose a cold climate on purpose so I could avoid these things, and who gets really sick with heat, I'm suggesting we come together and share our heatwave hacks so we can get through this together.

We recently tried the ice cubes in front of a fan to blow cold air, which has worked wonders. Keeping blinds closed, staying in the coldest parts of the house, keeping fans on constantly, and of course staying hydrated.

How are you all coping with this heat?


1 - 8 of 8 Replies

  • KarinExpert
    Transplant Patient

    It is awful! We just spent five days in beautiful Colorado in the mountains and now back in CT and it is hard… I love exercise and activity outside and this weather makes it so hard / can’t wait to go to Sweden!!

    July 11, 2024
  • fern22Transplant Patient

    It. is. brutal.

    Stay hydrated yall 💧

    July 11, 2024
  • DebTransplant Patient

    I am not a big fan of heat so I try to avoid if at possible staying in watching Christmas in July movies. Ok stop laughing no judging. Haha That being said we’ve had so many appointments the past few weeks we’re in and out. Thank goodness for a new heat pump installed in the spring we’re staying cool when we’re home. I still enjoy early mornings on my swing and late evenings on my deck. Stay cool and well hydrated everyone. Fall isn’t that far away for most of us.

    July 11, 2024
  • dlatchisonTransplant Patient

    100+ degrees this weekend in Denver! We're fortunate to have massive tree shade coverage in our yard, which also keeps the house cooler. (Also, the swamp cooler lifestyle. Iykyk.)

    July 12, 2024
  • TServoldTransplant Patient

    The Transplant Games just prepped me for the heat here in Denver. However, I came back from the games dehydrated (my own fault). So, I am over hydrating (thanks @Jeanmarie for teaching me I could use a Liquid IV packet) and staying indoors. Typically I work from home on Friday but I told my boss I'd be onsite at the office Friday since that building is cooler than my house. Even if I do have AC! 😆

    July 12, 2024
  • MelsammTransplant Patient

    I watched the opening ceremonies for the Transplant Games..So Awesome to see this.😊💚

    July 12, 2024
  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    @Deb Christmas in July sounds fantastic! I’m definitely not judging you

    @TServold i’m constantly drinking electrolytes! We keep a full pitcher in our fridge at all times and whenever I’m not feeling great the first question is have I had an electrolyte drink today??

    July 12, 2024
  • JeanmarieTransplant Patient

    @TServold Yes! electrolytes! I can't believe I didn't take my own advice until the airport. We should have been drinking electrolytes on the first day. When it's super hot, I have a soft ice pack that I will lay on. It cools my body down well.

    July 12, 2024
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