General — TransplantLyfe



TServoldTransplant Patient
August 27, 2024 in General

Since transplant do you notice more, less, or the same attention from mosquitos? I swear they bother me less. Maybe I'm full of it. What experiences are you all having?

1 - 9 of 9 Replies

  • ToniPTransplant Patient

    The same with me. My family and friends are spraying themselves with bug repellent and I don't cause I can't take the smell. However they don't brother me at all.

    August 27, 2024
  • MelsammTransplant Patient

    Me either probably we r pumped up with immunosuppressant meds. 😊💚

    August 27, 2024
  • Charles_Williams_SrTransplant Patient

    Interesting…. I spend a lot of time in my backyard with much greenery & trees, water…even though the mosquitoes are there, since my transplant surgery they basically ignore me, or show interest but no sting. The biting flies are a little more aggressive, but much less than pre-transplant days.

    I attributed it to the meds as well…maybe they can’t figure out if I’m still alive?


    August 27, 2024
  • DebTransplant Patient

    Oh wow I just had this conversation with my mom the other day. She can’t sit outside without getting bit by something but I no longer am bothered by any bug bites or even around me!! I thought it was me using sunscreen more.

    August 27, 2024
  • Charles_Williams_SrTransplant Patient

    Yep, even though I’m enjoying this new freedom outside, my poor wife doesn’t get to benefit from it - the mosquitoes wait at the door for her to open it, then charge through in military formation.🫣

    August 27, 2024
  • MelsammTransplant Patient

    CW LOL🦟

    August 27, 2024
  • Charles_Williams_SrTransplant Patient

    What also helps is my taking precautions against UV exposure with long sleeves/long legged pants & head over, even though the backyard is shady. When the UV index is <2 (dawn-early morning or near sunset) I don’t cover up as much.

    However, with the increased mosquito-borne diseases spreading this summer, I started using Avon “Skin-So-Soft” lotion on exposed areas as an added precaution. We discovered years ago that it works well, and avoids more toxic chemicals. I’m still not trusting the transplant meds to be 100% effective against mosquitoes.

    August 27, 2024
  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    Now that you mention it I don’t think I’ve had any mosquito bites all summer! They used to eat me alive and now I don’t really notice bites at all

    August 27, 2024
  • dlatchisonTransplant Patient

    They never bother me either! Though, my partner wages all-out war with them!

    August 28, 2024
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