What do you think about the robotic transplants that are happening now? Liver is the big one I see, and I know the robotic surgery market is expanding rapidly. What do you think? Is it exciting?
From what I’ve read the recovery is shorter and the risk of infection is less so to me that’s a plus!! My transplant hospital,VCU in Richmond Virginia, does living donor robotic liver transplants now. So fascinating.
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From what I’ve read the recovery is shorter and the risk of infection is less so to me that’s a plus!! My transplant hospital,VCU in Richmond Virginia, does living donor robotic liver transplants now. So fascinating.
Wow—that's fascinating. Is a surgeon still in the room to monitor?
From what I understand I think it’s just for living donor transplant?
Yes, the surgeon is still in the room. Its technically Robotic assisted.
here are a couple of articles: