General — TransplantLyfe


Its not all or nothing

Transplant Patient
September 11, 2024 in General

Yesterday in our support group we talked about this all or nothing mentality that tends to come along with movement post transplant. It's the attitude of if I can't walk 3 miles I'm not even going to try, and how it's so important to meet yourself where you're at and give yourself grace. Whatever it is for you, can you start somewhere? Can you focus on how your body feels versus I have to do this because my doctor said so?

A common thread that came through our conversation that really touched me is how much of this is also mental, and emotional, and embedded in our nervous systems. If your nervous system thinks this is a near death experience and you can't orient back to I'm actually safe now there's no way it's going to let you do something like focus on working out. We have to bring all parts of self along on this journey.

1 - 1 of 1 Replies

  • I think that "all or nothing" mentality is something so many of us struggle with, myself included. It's such a good reminder that progress looks different for everyone and we need to meet ourselves with compassion. Finding what we're capable of each day and accepting that is truly a journey. I appreciate you stressing the mental/emotional components as well - our mind and body are so intertwined.

    September 13, 2024
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