Kidney — TransplantLyfe


Tips to help post kidney transplant

GilbertTransplant Patient
September 14, 2024 in Kidney

what things helped you guys deal with mentally post tranplant and having a low immune system. The fear that comes with being afraid to get sick or eat anything contaminated

1 - 4 of 4 Other Answers

  • Ro_ATransplant Patient

    Hi Gilbert,

    It seems odd, but for me, it was to just go about living my life...with some precautions thrown in. In February, I had my second kidney transplant. The first one was back in 1990 from my sister. It lasted 33 and a half years, and seven months ago my brother donated. I share all this to show that I've been immunocompromised most of my life. I taught school for 35 years and raised my son. Of course, I was careful about cooking/preparing food, washing my hands, staying away from sick people, and I never missed my meds.

    However, I was determined to live my life. After all, what good is a transplant if it doesn't improve the quality of your life? I'm not sure that helps or answers your question, but it worked for me. Best of luck!

    September 14, 2024
  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    I had a liver transplant, so not 100% the same but I dealt with a lot of the same concerns.

    For me what helped was embodiment and somatic practices. I had to learn how to be in my body, as it was in this moment. I learned safety for me had little to do with external circumstances and everything to do with how I felt inside those circumstances. Did I have choice, did I have agency, did I have tools and resources to call on when things went sideways? And then I actively worked at building those tools. I did what I could to affect my environment, like being vigilant in cleaning and staying healthy best I could, and I knew I could drive myself crazy obsessing over everything, that my mental heath mattered just as much as my physical health and that even if I did everything "right" things still happen.

    One of the weird things I did that helped was to literally think of worst case scenarios. And then I would run through what I would do. Having a plan helped me. So say I got an infection, I would call my coordinator, I would get labs... Breaking it down step by step, knowing what I would do and who I could turn to for support helped a lot.

    September 16, 2024
  • JeanmarieTransplant Patient

    Hi Gilbert!

    I am similar to @Ro_A . I had my transplant in 2006. I was very cautious the first 3 months. But I was told to live my life. I worked with the public, so I was mindful of washing my hands and not getting too close to people. I've had my transplant for almost 19 years. Over the years I got sick here and there, but went to the ER when I needed to and partnered with my transplant center each time. I think covid has made us more fearful and hypervigilant. Try to find the joy in doing the things you love, but with sprinkled in caution. Hope that helps!

    September 16, 2024
  • PearlBTransplant Patient

    I'm 4 months post kidney transplant. I was not concerned with getting sick. I'm still not concerned. I feel if I worry to much on getting sick then I will get sick. I've been I'll with a deadly disease for a long time. Covid, the flu, any other contagious illness doesn't affect my mental status. But what does concern me mentally if why am I fearless in this area but weak in others. My family is more concerned about me than I am supposed to be. I've dedicated my entire adulthood to raising my children and grandchildren. I'm not going to stop because I might catch the flu. I have to live my life to the fullest for each day is never promised. And what Ro_a said. What good comes is it having a transplant if your not going to live life?

    October 5, 2024
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