General — TransplantLyfe


Movement challenge check in - what are you trying?

Transplant Patient
September 24, 2024 in General

We're coming to the end of September, and the end of our official movement challenge in partnership with the fabulous folks at ReFit for Life.

What have you learned this month? What have you tried?

For me, this challenge really provided the accountability I needed to get back to movement. Especially with the fluctuation of my symptoms on a daily basis, I struggled with having a consistent practice and not feeling like a failure when I couldn't do something. One thing I learned through this challenge is it doesn't need to be the same every day. Some days my movement was dancing in my living room, some days it was a pilates class, some days it was a leisurely walk, sometimes I literally just walked across my yard.

I also tried new things I wouldn't have tried before. I tried pilates classes, and qi gong. I made an effort to get out in community and I met new friends. I met up with friends I hadn't seen in awhile for some walks in the park (@Aklowak and I met up for our local area kidney walk, and you all were with me every step of the way. I wrote on my name tag I was moving for my transplantlyfe community).

I've really enjoyed what this challenge has brought to me. And I'm excited to be talking more about this in tomorrow's support group with @Jillbest. If you don't know Jill, you can find more about her by listening to her lyfetalk, or finding the webinar we did with her after the 2023 Transplant World Games in Australia. She's an incredible athlete, and one of the people who inspires me to keep moving (It's literally the name of her foundation!) and she's going to be coming to share with us and answer your movement related questions. If you haven't already, make sure to sign up for the group by clicking on the education tab on the top and scrolling to support groups.

1 - 1 of 1 Replies

  • JillbestTransplant Patient

    It was a pleasure chatting with the support group last night and discussing everyones questions! I understand it's common to struggle getting back into an exercise/movement routine after a transplant (or any big life event really!)

    Big thanks to @AliEm14 and Alex for hosting the conversation!

    I'm happy to be a reminder that we can all start where we're at, and build from there. Our bodies thrive with movement, and once you get started and build consistent habits, your body will crave more and feel better and better, so long as we listen to our bodies and adjust accordingly :)

    We also discussed the machine that my Move for Life Foundation has purchased for the transplant center here in my city of London Ontario in Canada. Here's the news article about it for those who were interested!

    September 26, 2024
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