Kidney — TransplantLyfe


Colonoscopy Prep

stwbearTransplant Patient
September 30, 2024 in Kidney


I'm scheduled for a Colonoscopy soon. For any of you having had one.

What prep did you use being a kidney recipient?

Thank you

1 - 1 of 1 Replies

  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    I’m liver so it might be different but I had a colonoscopy earlier this year and used magnesium citrate. They were worried about how I would handle it with everything I have going on but the prep went smoothly.

    bone broth was my saving grace during the liquid diet phase (I did longer not eating and less drinking prep because of my unique GI situation but I was told that isn’t the norm for most people) as well as boost juices until I transitioned to entirely clear liquids. I also tried to slow down my schedule as much as possible, and added in what I could to make it feel more like a peaceful juice cleanse fancy people pay a lot of money for vs. a mandated medical procedure 😂

    September 30, 2024
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