Post liver TP steatosis
I had my TP February 2024 and I developed a septic joint that had to be opened and irrigated and now receive daily IV antibiotics at home for 30 days. My first question is there anything that I can do to try to keep this from occurring because it just happened out of nowhere. I understand that I am immunocompromised due to the Cellcept and Cyclosporine but I had no injury or asvanced warning. One day I was fine and the next day I was febrile and couldn’t put any weight on the right lower extremity. I was in the hospital 11 days. Does anyone know what I can do to prevent this from occurring again?
my second question is does anyone have information about post TP moderate steatosis? My surgeon and TP coordinator are telling me that is not uncommon post TP but I had MASH and thats why I needed the TP. If anyone can provide me with information it would be greatly appreciated.
TransplantLyfe Favorite
I don't know anything about your particular situation but I did have multiple occurrences in my early transplant phase where I was literally fine one minute, in critical condition with my ducts the next. I was so frustrated because I felt fine, and it seemed like everything was so critical.
I really hope you are able to find some answers, and maybe some other folks here have ideas. Transplant is such a rough road, and can be really unpredictable at times, and if anything I hope you find some comfort in knowing you really aren't alone
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AliEm14 thank you for responding I do find comfort in knowing that I’m not alone.