General — TransplantLyfe


Does my Donor age? or is she "Forever 27?"

GarciaChauTransplant Patient
March 4, 2025 in General

I recently celebrated my 2 year post-heart transplant anniversary. Yay! As I marveled at my recovery these past two years with all the good, bad and ugly, my thoughts went to my donor and her family. All I know is that she was 27 years old. So, I started wondering, does she age with me? For example, is she now 29? or is she forever 27? Proper honoring would be to acknowledge that she celebrates another year around the sun with me, so she ages too. But the other part of my brain, says, no, you goose. she will always be 27. What do you think? Can both be true? Does your organ, eye or tissue donor age along with you? or do they remain the age they were at donation? Asking for a friend. 😎

1 - 3 of 3 Other Answers

  • KarinExpert
    Transplant Patient

    Interesting! I see my pancreas donor as forever 23, but my pancreas in my body is for some reason 15 years old and I remain at my chronological age… that is how I see it )

    March 4, 2025
  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    What an interesting thought! I still say my actual age as the age I was when I had a transplant without thinking because I genuinely feel like part of me is just stuck in that time. I count my liver’s years as years it’s been in my body, though theoretically maybe time just continues on from my donor. I would assume it ages with me but I don’t really know

    March 4, 2025
  • TheMacTransplant Patient

    This is interesting. I only know my donor was in his mid 40’s. I am now 57 almost 2 years later. I believe it will be what we believe it to be.

    March 5, 2025
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