Liver — TransplantLyfe


Stomach hard above the navel:

KevRTransplant Patient
March 12, 2025 in Liver

I have been having some issues with some stomach discomfort. It’s about 2 inches above my navel. It feels extra hard there. I’m wondering if any LT patients have ever dealt with this. Last week I found it hard to eat sometimes n on Friday night I had a really bad headache and then after attempting to take a Tylenol, I started vomiting n I couldn’t keep anything down into early Sat morning so I went to the hospital. My sodium was low n glucose was high but after about 8 hrs I was able to keep some crackers down n they released me. Today, I’m starting to notice my stomach is getting harder again. Should I have any concerns.

1 - 2 of 2 Other Answers

  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    I've dealt with this quite frequently since my liver transplant 4.5 years ago. Basically the way they explained it to me was the scar tissue and adhesions I have from the transplant is squeezing around my intestines and so the hardness I feel is my muscles spasming. It flares up when I eat certain things, when I try to be upright and use my core muscles for too long, when we have weather pressure changes and a few other times. Really frustrating, I've learned some tricks to work with it now so it isn't quite so debilitating. PT has been one of my best friends too. My diagnostic journey to this wasn't easy, either, as they had to rule out any of the other things. I was told scar tissue adhesions and core muscle issues aren't uncommon post transplant with the extent they have to go in to do the transplant surgery. Definitely go in and get checked out if it's that severe for that long, and they can hopefully rule out some of the bigger stuff. Better safe than sorry.

    March 12, 2025
  • KevRTransplant Patient

    Thank you so much @AliEm14. This information is very important to me because I started to think what the heck is wrong with me. When I was diagnosed with cirrhosis I used to have days where my stomach was hurting n it was awkward to sleep. I could definitely improve my diet.

    March 13, 2025
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