Has anyone been successful in getting life insurance? I was saddened to be told that I was not eligible due to my transplants when I know my life expectancy is more promising with them vs before with t1d and kidney disease! Advocacy is needed here...
1 - 14 of 14 Other Answers
I'm a retired insurance broker. The only way to get life insurance after transplant is through one of the final expenses programs. Anything more than $50000 in coverage requires full blown medical underwriting.
I have life insurance currently and I am a year post liver transplant. The cost used to come out of our pay checks, but we have since switched over to a new life insurance (along with health, dental, vision, etc.). Luckily we were given the option to continue with them, but just get a bill directly from them each month. I can take this Life Insurance where ever I go. I will probably just stick with them for now.
Do all life insurances have some stipulation on this? Should this be something I look into or just let it be? I haven't heard about this before now. I would be curious to learn more.
Keep whatever you can, and if you have a built-in option to purchase more, do so. I purchased my life insurance long before I had a heart condition. I converted some of it after my heart attack.
Transplant Patient
@MDASOCCER Interesting - since medical underwriting will never allow for transplant patients to get life insurance! How do we change this?? @bhameister did you get yours through work before your transplant??
@Karin I did get mine through work before transplant. We switched overall insurance (health, dental, vision) companies after transplant. I could have gone with that life insurance, but I was never told if it would affect me. I am glad I stuck with the one that sends me bills directly. Since I got mine before transplant, does that affect me now?
I bought mine personally. I was self employed. My disability insurance was tax free as I paid the premium in after tax dollars. Life insurance companies are in the business of making money. Most term insurance, which is what is mostly bought today, will never be collected on.
I received mine pre-transplant through work - feeling really grateful for that now that I'm learning more about how difficult it is - definitely an area where advocacy is needed! I agree @Karin that typically life expectancy would be higher post-transplant as opposed to pre!
Transplant Patient
in Canada it's different but I'll share my experience just in case someone else in Canada is looking.
We went to an insurance broker. It took a little calling around and work to find someone who would accept us due to my medical history. Ultimately my broker found us a loophole which got my husband and I pretty good insurance. It wouldn't cover me if I died in the first 2 years of our policy due to health related issues (which I obviously didn't) but it ended up being the best option for us. If any Canadians need resources, I can hook you up with our broker. She's really knowledgeable about policies
I've gotten my own before, but I was definitely scared about it.
Transplant Patient
Seems like many of you have obtained it! I will try harder - I would like to have one for my daughter if/when I pass away
I wasn’t able to, I have to go with what work provides. My parents had issues getting it for me when I was younger too.
Transplant Patient
All this makes me sad - we should be able to get life insurance!!
Transplant Patient
I'm wondering if this is also affected by racial and/or socio-economic background?
For the past ten years I have dreamed of a company coming up with affordable 'travel insurance' as no such thing for UK residents with long term or chronic conditions exists. Is there any way that Lyfebulb could put a request out to see if a company would consider taking this risk with travel insurance first then later maybe life insurance? The last time I wanted to go to the USA for two weeks a years insurance was £700. :(