what is/was your biggest fear in getting a liver transplant?
Updated August 4, 2021
in Liver
I am nearing the end of the long process of getting listed. Fear of becoming more ill after transplant and suffering brings me much anxiety. I realize that even being able to get on the list is a blessing as many people may not be able to.
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For me I had got to a place where I was so sick that I used to live daily and focus on what I could do in that day. Tomorrow has its own worries. To be honest, I think I was more concerned about someone elses organ being in me and loosing my own. I mourned my own and when I saw my new liver being flushed before laying down to be transplanted I was at peace.
Transplant Patient
the plan was for me to have a living donor, and my biggest fear was something happening to my donor. I did end up rejecting that liver and getting a deceased donor liver 4 days later and despite a bunch of complications both my brother and I are fine now. I agree that adjusting to someone else’s organ in your body is really weird/traumatic/stressful. A lot of the things I was worried about I realized I didn’t need to be as worried as I was. I’ve learned to just deal with things as they come in - worrying has only made it worse. I would say find yourself good, supportive connections post transplant and use the phrase “F that” liberally 😂