What are some tips to control thirst while on dialysis in the summer months?
I am currently doing in-center dialysis and I also live in Texas where the heat can get disrespectful. Does anyone have a tips they are currently using or used in the past to keep cool and refreshed without drinking too much fluid?
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I am not currently on dialysis but in the past and currently, I will freeze fruit. Grapes, strawberries, watermelon, mango. Its also how I broke eating ice cream all the time, haha. I also will use an ice pack around my neck to cool off if I feel like I am getting overheated.
Chef Amanda, I am also a dialysis patient who just joined this group! I have a ice crushing machine that makes sno- cone ice so I nibble on that! Frozen small berries like 🍇 grapes or raspberries and I buy the long pop ice that are flavored and freeze them!! Just count your fluids because it all matters!! Hope this helps you and please keep your chin up!
1 - 10 of 10 Other Answers
@Jeanmarie Oh that’s some great ideas. Thank you for sharing.
@ChefAmanda I think the best way is to Yoga, Meditation and if this all not work
Best way is to Sleep maximun😜
Thank you!
I chew ice
I did pd dialysis during the summer so I could drink how much I wanted but when I did in center I was only allowed one 16oz bottle of fluids a day because they could not pull a lot of fluids because my blood pressure would always drop. I live in FL so what I would do is rinse my mouth out with very cold water all day. I stepped doing dialysis all together before the summer came. Good luck 💚
@Howanitz39 Thank you for sharing that tip! I understand limiting my fluids because my blood pressure also drops during treatment.
Sonic ice and sour candy
Sugar free chewing gum.