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Pro life for Transplant?

VeggiePoweredTransplant Patient
October 8, 2021 in General

For those who lean Pro Life. Based on the logic that in order to save 1 life, a person can be forced to use their body/organs to keep a "person" alive until they are born and be forced to endure child birth. Wouldn't this logic also imply all people should be forced to donate their organs when they die, as doing so can save multiple lives?

1 - 2 of 2 Other Answers

  • LivCare Partner

    I like this subject - philosophical riddle and could perhaps be discussed w lawyers? But I do believe in free will and the person’s right to choose. I do not believe in holding up religious beliefs based on antiquated scientific knowledge. Therefore, a woman should be allowed to abort a fetus up to a certain point (unless for medical reasons the woman cannot carry the pregnancy through), if that is her choice. I also believe in people’s right to donate (or not) their organs to medical research and life-saving transplants.

    October 9, 2021
  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    Philosophical discussions are my jam! Back story - I had extreme complications during pregnancy, we terminated for medical reasons and the complications led to me needing a transplant.

    if we are operating under the pro-life model then yes, anyone who is eligible should be required to donate their organs. As we know the world doesn’t operate under that model. And after talking to transplant recipients and those who have had abortions here’s why I think that is. It roots back to patriarchy and the control of women. There are so many political factors involved in legislating a women’s body that we don’t see anywhere else.

    I used to be extremely pro-life. Until I needed an abortion. Until I needed a transplant. I’m grateful for my donor, and I would have respected their decision not to donate if that was their choice.

    October 9, 2021
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