General — TransplantLyfe


Stress management

November 9, 2021 in General

It's that time of year again where students are plagued by assignments and upcoming finals and it can be an extremely stressful time (a point that I have now reached). So in those times of great stress and a lack of organization (plan of attack) what are some ways you all deal with it? What are some ways of dealing with the stress? What are some ways to make the workload manageable?

1 - 5 of 5 Replies

  • brookegurradExpert
    Transplant Patient

    I get organized. I write down all the things I have to accomplish with deadlines. Then I break each thing down into smaller tasks and work a timeline backwards from the due date.

    Don't give up nutrition, movement, and sleep!

    I’ve been a student for way too long, as well as a teacher and a dean of students. I’m always happy to help students however I can!

    November 9, 2021
  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    @brookegurrad is the best for this!

    one of the things I’ve learned is my healthy habits are usually the first to go, but I also can’t do well if I’m not well rested and eating well and moving my body. Even if it’s a tiny way, taking movement breaks or sticking to a consistent routine does help. And I tell myself I can’t do well if I’m burnt out. Also I love study with me sessions on YouTube to really motivate me to sit down and get stuff done

    November 10, 2021
  • brookegurradExpert
    Transplant Patient

    I really do love helping with productivity, organization, executive function tasks, and study skills.

    November 10, 2021
  • brookegurradExpert
    Transplant Patient

    I really do love helping with productivity, organization, executive function tasks, and study skills.

    November 10, 2021
  • Piney1147Care Partner

    Exercise will always help me.

    November 12, 2021
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