General — TransplantLyfe


Guided Meditations

February 22, 2022 in General

When I was diagnosed with **** cancer, before I started treatment, I knew I was going to need the support of my friends. So I reached out to them to help me put together a series of guided meditations.

I was fortunate to be part of an intuitive/empath mastermind so it was easy for them to come up with a mediation that would help me stay grounded, centered, and release stress. A 5-minute guided meditation helped before I arrived at the clinic.

Over my years as a Spiritual Coach and Reiki Master I have discovered that some of the best-guided meditation come from those that know us best. Family, partners, and friends know what pushes our buttons and how to walk us off a mental ledge.

Guided meditations can be created by following some simple steps.

  1. Acknowledge where you are physical: space, smells, sounds.
  2. Recognize what you are feeling: fear, stress, anger.
  3. Go on a journey: walk, fly, run.
  4. Point out: people, places, things that bring calmness, happiness, joy.
  5. Return: Bring your mind back to where you started.

You might not reach 5 minutes at first or you may go over, it's all good. With time you will learn to adjust to the time you need.


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