General — TransplantLyfe


Reminder: Skin and colon check ups

A_RayTransplant Patient
September 19, 2022 in General

As you are probably aware, your anti-rejection meds increase your odds for getting certain cancers. Frequent screenings and treatment is the antidote for this propensity. See your dermatologist least yearly for your checkup. Don't forget to include colon checkups from your gastroenterologist. Especially if colon issues or polyps tend to run in your family. Because of COVID I had to postpone my colonoscopy. When I did recently get it, I had a few precancerous polyps removed. A stitch in time saves nine. Stay on top of your health. Talk to your doctor about it. Just a reminder to all of my xplant friends.

1 - 1 of 1 Replies

  • RogerTransplant Patient

    Totally agree. See my dermatologist every three months. This last year have had 2 basil cells removed along with mohs surgery for a squamous cell carcinoma, all successfully removed. Had colonoscopy in March found polyps and scheduled my next procedure in 3 years. With our medications we are exposed to so much and need to stay on top of it all.

    September 19, 2022
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