General — TransplantLyfe


Meeting people and the medical field

February 24, 2023 in General

Last night was an unfortunate night for the little guy in my family. Not Timmy, his younger brother. He got his finger smashed in a door and we spent a lot of time at the Children's ED. Anyway, Timmy came up and his transplant because Family Life said, "You seem like a pro here. How do you just know what to do to keep yourself and your kiddo calm."

CBD anyone?! Just kidding. I talked about Timmy and his transplant and all the sudden the medical team I was with showed way more respect for us as patients there and interest. Shared part of our story with them. The family life specialist then said, I had a kidney transplant which led me to my journey here.

She was 4 and has had her kidney for 21 years now. Her doctors expect the kidney to last another 5 years at least!! How is this for all the other kidney transplantees out there? How long have you had your transplanted organ?

I also wonder if the trauma for hospitals will one day lead Timmy to the medical field or if he will run as far away from it as possible. What has been your experience?


1 - 2 of 2 Replies

  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    I grew up in a medical setting - rare disease and then now transplant. When I was younger I wanted to be a nurse. Then I realized I’m terrible at math and chemistry! I still feel drawn to the medical field in some way, which right now is transplant advocacy and working with transplant mental and emotional health.

    i have noticed I’m strangely calm in medical settings. I always say if I was in a crisis, I’d want me to help me. I’m the one my friends and family call for medical support. It reminds me of an episode of greys anatomy where Meredith was talking about the hospital being her safe place, that she grew up here, and I feel the same way. My childhood was colouring on charts and riding a bike down hospital hallways. I grew up here, and in a way it will always feel like a little bit of home for me

    February 24, 2023
  • @AliEm14 what a great view point. I guess I worry it’s all going to be traumatic memories but it’s nice to hear you were well cared for and loved there and like you belong!

    February 24, 2023
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