Sleep post-transplant
June 11, 2023
in General
Have there been any changes to you sleep habits and ability after transplant?
Have there been any changes to you sleep habits and ability after transplant?
1 - 3 of 3 Replies
Transplant Patient
I sleep great now! 😂
pre transplant I was waking up every 2 hours to take meds, so I’d never actually slept through the night until post transplant. I had no idea when I was in it what sleep deprivation was doing to my body
I sleep WAY less. Having type 1 diabetes frequently kept me from sleeping all night, due to mid-night blood sugar checks, false CGM readings, high or low blood sugars, etc. Then, with stage 3 and 4 CDK I was exhausted all the time. I would sleep about 10 hours at night. After transplant the high dose of prednisone kept me from sleeping much, and now that my dose is down to 5mg I get what I think is regular sleep, but I still can function effectively with 5 hours of sleep a night.
I use to sleep pre Transplant but I think it was due to the liver disease. Post transplant I am lucky if I get 4/5 hrs sleep, I feel it’s a restless sleep. I have talked to my TP team they suggest melatonin I tried it but did not feel like it helped. I feel like it’s one of things about TP that has affected me. I am very active during the day, I feel tired at night but when I go to bed it’s toss/turn.