General — TransplantLyfe


What you're loving

Transplant Patient
Updated May 27, 2021 in General

I want to hear about what you're loving. What is bringing that ray of sunshine into your life these days and helping you keep that positive perspective?

This is a place to share your favourite TV shows, photographs of your furry friends, your new hobbies. I want to hear it all! Share with me what's been inspiring you lately

1 - 16 of 16 Replies

  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    I’ll go first. This is my puppy I.V (and yes, it’s short for intravenous. This is what happens when medical patients get to name their dogs. It’s pronounced like ivy)

    she’s a pitbull rescue we got a few years back. Due to some early puppy injuries she has a lot of pain and inflammation in her back leg. So she loves to be inside, cuddling with me on the couch. And she always can lift my spirits and make me smile

    January 18, 2021
  • KarinExpert
    Transplant Patient

    @AliEm14 love that pic!! To me it is my daughter - she always makes me happy - makes me smile and keeps me focused - with her my mind does not have time to spin or get paranoid - thank you for bringing this topic upfront - it is a good one!

    January 19, 2021
  • lescp3Care Partner

    Furry friends are the greatest...their love for you is unending.

    January 19, 2021
  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    I can't imagine my life without her. We got her shortly after we lost our son, and being time with her working on her rehabilitation really helped me rehabilitate myself. I couldn't have her with me when I was recovering from transplant, so I didn't see her for a few months. When I returned home, she jumped up and wrapped her paws around me, much like two people would hug

    January 19, 2021
  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    How old is your daughter? Children have such a unique joy about them. It's hard to be in a bad head space when you are being present with children.

    January 19, 2021
  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    I definitely agree. Do you have any furry friends of your own?

    January 19, 2021
  • lescp3Care Partner

    OH MY I sure do. I never had a dog until I was 48 and I must admit that I always loved them, but I never "got it" until I got my first puppy (and then a second one 9 months later!) We are all quite attached and in these lonely COVID times, I am ever so grateful.

    January 20, 2021
  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    they are so cute! I want another puppy, but my husband says we don't have enough room nor do i have enough energy to keep up with another one. Hopefully one day though.

    January 20, 2021
  • KarinExpert
    Transplant Patient

    I love that pic @lescp3 - so very you and your pups!! I remember when I got my little ones in 2002, Piff and Puff and they were truly my companions for 17 years - both gone now but they knew when I was not feeling well - even seemed to need to “go” less during a period when I was so very sick. @AliEm14 lMy daughter is 2 turning 3 Feb 27 and she truly augments my life - without her nothing much matters except Lyfebulb. I am happy around her and I live in the Moment - it has been pretty intense since Covid hit since I am alone with her - her dad left in February last year and has had a spot like presence - not optimal perhaps but nothing in life is!

    January 20, 2021
  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    You are amazing. Thinking about all you do with transplant lyfe, and knowing you're raising a toddler by yourself, you must be superwoman! I can't have biological kids due to my medical history but my husband and I are starting the adoption process as soon as I get the all clear from my transplant team, and when it's safe to travel internationally again with Covid.

    January 21, 2021
  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    Lately I've been getting really into design aesthetics, specifically focusing on concepts like hygge and simple living. I love the idea of becoming more self sustainable and could spend hours looking at pictures and set ups of farms. Dream life! While I'm too dependent on the medical system to ever go completely off grid, I'm wondering if this is a fantasy of mine just because I've been so reliant for so long. Anybody else really interested in this whole concept of sustainable living?

    January 25, 2021
  • KarinExpert
    Transplant Patient

    It is not all pretty - believe me - some nights I cry and some mornings I just want to pull the covers over my head - but showing up, getting up and braving the world w a smile is what works for me - adoption is a great option - Go for it! Liv is mine biologically but I would not have loved her less if she were not

    January 25, 2021
  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    I'm adding to this list with more things I've been loving lately, little things that are bringing me joy.

    • Starbucks coffee
    • hygge (I've really embraced this concept of being cozy, soft lighting, blankets, just surrounding myself with things that make me feel good)
    • Photography
    • Homesteading. I've never grown a thing in my life and most of the plants I have are dying but I've become really interested in growing and planting, moving to a more eco-friendly way of life, becoming more sustainable. I might even try to garden this summer!
    • Hair dye. Hair dye has always been my way of coping. Right now I'm sporting some new ruby red locks, thanks to a stressful day of my transplant coordinator not calling me back
    January 30, 2021
  • KarinExpert
    Transplant Patient

    I love sitting in front of our fireplace and enjoying a cup of tea

    January 31, 2021
  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient
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