General — TransplantLyfe


Sick kiddo

TServoldTransplant Patient
September 3, 2023 in General

As a mom when my child is sick I always take it to heart. I makes my momma heart sad to have a sick kiddo and then you add in being immunosuppressed and I think it presents a new level of mom guilt. All my kiddo wants to is snuggle with momma, and all momma wants to do is snuggle my sick kiddo. My husband is very protective of keeping me healthy and jumps in to snuggle but sometimes it’s… not what’s wanted. We wash hands and sanitize surfaces LOTS and this is the dreaded back to school illness that I think everyone with elementary school kids gets. I’m just hoping I don’t catch it.

so far, negative Covid but stuffy nose, laryngitis, and a low fever.


1 - 1 of 1 Replies

  • KouimetCare Partner

    That is so difficult and is always going to be an issue. It's a balance of being as careful as possible with living life and dealing with every hiccup that comes along the way. We have 8 people living in our home. Two of our children have had transplants and are immune compromised. We also have an adult on home hemodialysis here. I have RA and struggle at times with my own health, but I am the primary caregiver for the household. My oldest two children are starting college but live at home (both do online and in person classes). One of those kids is a transplant kid. I also have a 12 year old who has undergone 2 transplants and has been "sick" since he was 5 months old. He has always done school through home hospital and cannot be in classroom environments because he is always struggling with his immune system.

    My best momma advice from doing this for 15 years is: Just do the best you can when you can. Get comfortable with always having a plan b or plan c and teach the family to adapt when things come up. Those snuggles and cuddles are sometimes better for the soul and help recover faster than medicine does.

    Hope things improve and everyone feels better soon.

    September 6, 2023
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