Weekend fun?
What are you doing for fun during this pandemic? To me the weeks are easier - work takes up so much of my time and my 2 year old daughter Liv’s school requires me to walk her there which is a good start of the day. Saturday mornings I spend w Liv alone and we do things around the garden or if bad weather inside. Then we meet a family we know for lunch or we do lunch on our own, so the day passes nicely and happily! Sat evening after she goes to sleep are harder since that is when I would like to talk to someone but I can’t easily have company or go anywhere... sports and family on Sunday day and then I normally prep for the work week on Sunday nights...
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The weeks are easier for me as well, since I'm also kept busy with work. I live alone (well not completely alone, I have a dog who keeps me company) so I do feel lonely sometimes. On the weekends I sometimes struggle to find things to keep me occupied. The days I spend laying around and watching tv make me feel lazy and don't help my mood. I've spent some time doing projects around the house which has helped me pass the time. I'm turning my basement into a "workout area" so I have the space and equipment to get some exercise. I live in the city, so it's harder to get outdoor time without worrying about coming in contact with other people. I'm lucky to have a rooftop deck that allows me to safely get some fresh air, but I do worry about even more limited outdoor time come the colder winter months.
Transplant Patient
When I am not busy and no one is around my thoughts start to wander - into dangerous territories such as fears, anxiety and even panic - I used to be freaked out about this so much that I did not allow for “restful time outside sleep”, but now I am learning breathing exercises and open to other alternatives to get my mind settled - any ideas??
Meditation / breathing exercises - LOVE them. I personally enjoy TM (transcendental meditation) but am a fan of ANY/ALL breathing and meditations.
The pandemic has turned me into a meditation fan as well! It was a challenge to begin in March but now feels like a part of my (weekly, if not daily) routine.
Transplant Patient
@rimkmr whwre do you find our mediation videos? Or are they in your head by now? @lescp3 do you use Oura videos??
Headspace and Insight Timer are my favorite. Headspace allows me to enter into courses which increase in levels of complexity - it also allows me to build awareness about meditation, breathing and mindfulness. I also love their daily notifications of a sentence or two which give me a mindfulness tactic. And Insight Timer is such a beautiful community of mentors, videos, guides and such a huge variety of music and tunes to meditate to. :)
I don't use Oura videos but I have heard great things about it. I personally love Transcendental Meditation (aka "TM") and follow that practice whenever I am nice enough to myself to make the time!!
I second Insight Timer! I refer to my bookmarked meditations when I make the time for myself. Aside from guided meditation, I also really like the Wim Hof breathing method
Transplant Patient
Need to try both of those tips - thank you @lescp3 and @rimkmr