Heart — TransplantLyfe


1st Domino 💕 Heart 💞 Valve Transplantation in infants!

Transplant Patient
July 2, 2023 in Heart

Saving Two Babies’ Lives With One Pioneering Approach to Heart Valve Transplantation

A domino transplant happens when one patient receives an organ transplant and, in turn, donates a healthy organ or healthy parts of an organ to another patient, becoming both a recipient and a live donor. In Mia and Brooklyn’s case, Mia received a full heart transplant, which then made it possible for the healthy valves from her old heart to be placed into Brooklyn’s heart through a partial heart transplant. Making it all happen required the right patients, the right timing, and the tireless teamwork of a multidisciplinary care team that included the transplant service team, child life services, nurses, doctors, the perioperative and surgical teams, and more.

Read more about this amazing story: ⬇️


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